Cloud native application development services that scale your business

Simplify operations and weave security into your software delivery process by leveraging extensive tooling, development techniques and deploying applications through a cloud-native approach.

Let's discuss your requirements

Why Choose Lakshya for Cloud Application Development

Lakshya empowers organizations with cloud application development services and enhances their transformation journey. Our unique cloud management strategies and industrialized solutions help firms from different domains quickly build, test, and deploy cloud apps.

Proven experience in driving the paradigm shift towards the cloud.

Lakshya’s cloud-native development services have helped organizations quickly innovate, improvise, and scale to meet the market’s changing demands. Our expert cloud architects and developers leverage these PaaS services to offer solutions that include:

Microservices- Reduced time-to-market through smaller units of deployment

Containers- Enables modular development and deployment through individual containers.

Agile Approach- Uses the agile development methodologies to have incremental, iterative deployments.

BDD Expertise- Offering common language tests that help track changes in the system’s behavior and automate testing of business features.

Trusted by 90+ happy clients including these Fortune companies

Cloud App Development Offerings

Unlock the development velocity and improve application security with Lakshya’s cloud-native development services! We enable you to adopt state-of-the-art technologies like DevOps, microservices, and containerization into your workflow to transform your development model.

App modernization and migration

Reimagine and rebuild your applications by migrating to the accelerated and efficient cloud-native architecture.

We work with you to prepare an actionable migration strategy and implement it based on your specific business needs.

Our expert teams enable you to move to modern infrastructure, refactor your applications, and bring an agile approach to your development processes.

Cloud-native app development

Introduce new application services and accelerate your time-to-market with our cloud-native app development services.

We collaborate with you to create and run innovative applications on any private, public, or hybrid cloud without compromising on app quality or security.

With us, you can achieve continuous delivery, automated scalability, and rapid recovery from system failures to align your development model with business needs.

Benefits of Working With Lakshya

Our expert development teams help you build, run, and improve your applications with modern techniques and technologies of cloud computing.

Intrinsically agile

Your business needs to keep up with continuously evolving market trends and customer expectations. We are extraordinarily agile so that you can pivot strategies at will.

Delivery mindset

Our top-priority, from the onset, is to meet your requirements. Be it engineering a business solution, or strengthening your team with dedicated devs, we bring untiring commitment to your goals.

Eminent expertise

No technology, methodology, and domain is alien to our in-house subject matter experts. It means you get top-notch digital products with your business logic ingrained in them.

Aesthetic appeal

It’s difficult to grab your end user’s attention and we know that. We deliver products that turn eyeballs and captivate audiences with palpably smooth user experiences.

Complete control

From conceptualization to delivery and maintenance, you stay in the driver’s seat at all times. We take your project’s responsibilities while you stay in control.

End-to-end services

Be it custom software, cloud solution, mobile application, web app, or any other service, you can leave it all upon us to design, develop, test, maintain, and provide support for the solution.